Car CO2 - 'Butterflies'

Theme: Butterflies

Car: 1970 Ford Fairlane

Crew: Janet Weightman, Shirley Hodgson, Kay Badcock

Bio: Janet is still slogging away working for Sunpork Farms and loving watching the grandies grow. Secretly hoping to join the rest of the team and retire soon! Shirl, the Virgin crew member last year had such a great time she agreed to come back again.

We all love raising funds for this very worthwhile charity and it’s a bonus being able to mix with and belong to such a great Variety family. This year we have a crew of three; Kay has decided to jump ship from being an official after a year off, to experience the Variety Bash in Car C02! Be kind to her

as this will be her first time in an actual Bash car. She is looking forward to being with two similar minded ladies, a change from the previous Bashes with just hubby Phil and herself in the car for a whole week!! Maybe

she will still get into as much trouble!! We are looking forward to a great Bash and are even going to get out of our PJ’s this year!