Hair With Heart Stories

We love hearing your stories and seeing photos of your big chop! Share yours here.

  • Phoebe, WA
    I have been growing my hair for a year and a half just to fundraise and donate for the Variety's Hair with Heart. I was in year 4 when I started thinking about it but Mum said my hair wasn't quite long enough. Now I am in year 5 and I finally cut and donated my hair. If I can help just one person smile, who has incurable hair loss, buy a wig made with my hair then it is all worth it. Love from Phoebe
  • Chelsea and Chloe, NSW
    My sister and I wanted to donate our hair to kids who need them. Hair is something we both have that we can share, and we think it will make others happy and can help someone feel better and more like themselves. We are glad, we are able to help others in some way.
  • Amit, NSW
    Positive thoughts for children.
  • Hoang Yen, VIC
    Happy Days! Three years of hair! Thank you, thank you, thank you… for everything #HairwithHeart  With me: Happiness is giving, loving, helping life...
  • Whitney, QLD
    I was feeding my 7month old daughter one night thinking that I need a change, and I saw a post on Facebook about Variety’s Hair with Heart donations to help children. I have been growing my hair for the last 10 or so years and after recently becoming a new mum, I felt that this was the change I needed. I hope that my hair brings some joy to whom ever gets to wear it next.
  • Evelyn, WA
    We didn’t know about it until we got to the hairdressers. Once she told us about it our 6 year old had no hesitation in donating her beautiful hair to help other kids feel better
  • Kyali, QLD
    I just want to make someone happy again. I plan to grow and chop again and again!
  • Annabelle, QLD
    All the seniors who donated their hair in the past at my school. I've wanted to do it ever since yr 7 so it was pretty special when mine and my friends' time finally came!
  • Sivanart, NSW
    I would like to donate my hair to someone that may not have a chance of growing their own hair. I believe this is a small thing I can do for people that might just mean the world for them or make someone's life even a little better. It is my pleasure and it brings me happiness helping someone in need when and where I can. For this reason I voluntarily donate my hair to those in need.
  • Brady, QLD
    Brady and his older siblings lost their favourite auntie to cancer. Brady has used his hair to shield himself when his anxiety got too much, and he has been growing his hair for over 3 years. This decision was his to make. Brady is 17 and in his final year at school, next January he enters adulthood. This has been a massive milestone in Brady's journey of self discovery and self acceptance.
  • Vivien, NSW
    I wanted to help make a sick child feel happy and confident with a new wig.
  • Archie, SA
    Helping to improve the life of a sick child.
  • Sebastian, VIC
    Sebastian donated his hair 2 years ago when he was 9 to support wigs for children with alopecia and hasn't cut his hair until now, as he wanted to donate it again! This time we found the Hair With Heart page, and he decided to raise money as well as donate his hair.
  • Aisha, SA
    My mom is a nurse researcher whose area of research is cancer nursing and I have heard many stories from her. When I decided to cut my hair, I decided to donate it to another little girl who may not have hair due to illness. I would love if it would bring even a little bit of joy to another girl.
  • Pheebe, QLD
    Pheebe wants to make another child as happy as she has been growing her hair for 7 years.
  • Kurt, WA
    Having known and seen many young family members and friends struggle with their confidence due to loss of their hair, I thought I have plenty to give. Hoping my donation helps out those in need.
  • Hadewig, QLD
    I often feel like there is not much I can do to help others, personally. I hope with cutting my hair, I can actually make someone's day just that bit better.
  • Ofelia, WA
    I wanted to cut my hair and decided to donate it to help kids that need it. I also did a fundraiser and made over $2,700! I am very happy to be helping kids and I hope I can do it again when my hair grows longer!
  • Gina, NSW
    I first saw our friend donate his hair to Variety, and that inspired me to join the effort. My daughter and I grew our hair out for nearly three years. Finally reaching 35cm, we went to the hair salon together to cut our hair and donate it to make wigs for children, doing our part to help. I feel that this was a very meaningful thing for us to do together. I hope it can help more children, and that the world can be filled with more love!💇💞
  • Ada, NSW
    I grew my hair for 3 years after I heard you could donate it to help other people who lose their hair when they are sick. I hope my hair makes someone else happy. Love Ada