Imagine what you could do if you won $10,000.

For Variety Heart Lottery #0013 winner Tara Harley, last month this dream became a reality.

“I’m still in a bit of shock. When I first found out I couldn’t believe it. It still doesn’t feel quite real.” Tara said.

Tara works as a practice manager at a medical centre in South East Queensland. Her colleague, Deb, who introduced her to the Variety Heart Lottery, is a dedicated Variety supporter.

In 2020, Deb joined the Variety Bash with her friend Pam in car 212 as team Kaftans. Like most ‘Bashers’, Deb planned to go just once. However, an amazing Bash experience along with the knowledge that supporting Variety is supporting kids in need has seen Deb sign on for more events. Her friend Pam is also a proud Variety supporter who has volunteered her time helping out at Variety Kids Sports Camp and Variety Braille Music Camp.

Pictured above (left to right): Pam, Tara and Deb with Variety mascot Heartly.

Tara commends the incredible people who participate in Variety’s events for a great cause. They have inspired her to purchase Variety Heart Lottery tickets so she too could make an impact in the lives of kids who need it most. “It’s amazing what people do on events like the Variety Bash. The fact that most Bashers keep coming back year after year goes to show how great the event must be, and how people know their fundraising goes straight to helping the kids” she said.

Tara is always amazed when she hears the many stories Deb brings back from her adventures. Deb is never short of stories to share around her workplace. She is a huge advocate for Variety among her colleagues and encourages all her workmates to get tickets for the Variety Heart Lottery. The Variety Heart Lottery gives them a great chance to win $10,000 (thanks to limited available tickets) and makes a huge difference in the lives of kids who are sick, disadvantaged or living with a disability.

Through hearing these stories from Deb, Tara was inspired to make a difference herself. She has donated to Variety Queensland and been registered as a Variety Heart Lottery VIP. Tara regularly buys lottery tickets from Deb and loves knowing that every ticket goes directly towards helping kids who are sick, disadvantaged or living with a disability.

Tara is about to celebrate her 50th birthday and plans to use some of the prize money to throw a birthday party with her friends and family. Along with a holiday to Western Australia to visit some of her family.

Pictured above: Tara celebrating her winnings with Variety mascot Heartly.

Tara’s advice to anyone considering entering the Variety Heart Lottery is, “It only takes one ticket to win. And you can’t really lose either way because even if you don’t have a winning ticket, your money has still gone to the great cause of helping children in need.”

We’d like to thank Tara and our lottery supporters for your generosity and kindness. Every ticket purchased makes an impact in the lives of Queensland kids who are doing it tough. Getting tickets is one of the simplest ways you can give all kids a fair go and help them to reach their full potential.

Get a Variety Heart Lottery ticket