Andrew – Sports Extraordinaire

December 20, 2021 by Variety - the Children's Charity

Andrew – Sports Extraordinaire

Andrew is a 2021 Variety Heart Scholarship recipient and sports extraordinaire, who also happens to have Autism. Andrew is a star swimmer and enthusiastic basketballer, with sport taking him all over the state to compete. Andrew trains and competes up to 4 days a week and his sporting involvement has even had some additional benefits.

Andrew has low muscle tone, meaning his muscles often feel floppy. This requires extra effort on the court and in the pool, but Andrew doesn’t let that slow him down!

As well as helping keep him fit and active, Andrew’s love of sport helps to increase
his fine and gross motor coordination and physical endurance, whilst also improving
his muscle tone.

His achievements also speak for themselves! Following many podium finishes in the pool and great results on the court, Andrew was selected to represent Victoria in both swimming and basketball in the Special Olympics Junior National Games in 2021.

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