Variety Workplace Giving Program

Workplace Giving is one of the most effective ways to engage your team and create a bigger collective impact. Donations are made automatically from an employee’s pay, before tax.

Employees – The benefits of being a Workplace Giving Donor

Workplace Giving is a simple and effective way for employees to donate to Variety through automated payroll deductions. By donating a few pre-tax dollars each pay cycle, you can help ensure all kids have a fair go.

Your donation will be deducted from your pre-tax earnings, reducing your taxable income. No need to collect receipts for your end of year tax returns. Your total donation amount will be included in your annual PAYG payment summary.

It also means you make a greater difference to kids in need! A $3.50 payroll gift equates to a $5 donation to Variety. Your contribution no matter how big or small has an impact. Don’t keep this news a secret, encourage your work mates to sign up too!

Employers – The benefits of setting up Workplace Giving in your workplace

Workplace Giving is a way your organisation can demonstrate your commitment to corporate community investment and your values.

With donations being deducted from employees’ pre-tax earnings, staff member’s donations go even further to provide assistance to those most in need.

It also reduces your employees’ taxable income so they also benefit every pay.

As an Employer you can also elect to dollar match so your company can double the impact! Win win!

To find out more about Workplace Giving contact us here