Belgrave Brothers Run 100km for Kids in Need

November 4, 2021 by Variety - the Children's Charity

On Saturday 30 October 2021, Belgrave brothers Jake and Liam Kidd took on the ultimate challenge. Each running 100km over 24 hours for kids in need, the brothers covered 4.2 kms every hour, with only a handful of rest breaks on the day. Jake and Liam had also been hard at work fundraising in the lead up to the challenge, with all money raised supporting children who are sick, disadvantaged or have additional needs through Variety – the Children’s Charity Victoria.

The duo have already raised over $9,000 for kids, with more fundraising initiatives planned in the new year.

Liam shared “During lockdown, football came to a massive holt so I thought what else can I do to keep fit? I had been running quite a bit and sat down with my partner and said what can I do to help others during this horrible time (pandemic). I’ve always said to Ellie I want to do something for charity one day. So I came up with this challenge. Something both mentally and physically challenging. I wanted it to be a big challenge, which was how we came up with the 100km over 24 hours. We recently had a little boy and have learned it’s hard being a parent at times. We thought this was one way we can support other families out there with young kids in need of extra help.”

Jake said “For me, this weekend’s run isn’t about the running challenge itself… it’s more about the charity and raising much needed funds and awareness for Variety. My partner Leanne’s son Kyson was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ODD, ADHD and Motor Tourette’s when he was 4 years old. He’s now 13 years old and he’s a great kid but it’s been a long hard road for Lee and the family. I thought raising money for this great Charity, that would work with beautiful kids such as Kyson would be a great way to give back and support those in need.“

Variety – the Children’s Charity CEO Mandy Burns paid a visit to the boys on the day, saying “This is powerful! To run 4.2km, rest and then run again each hour for 24 hours will take grit and determination!  It is a potent tribute to kids in need and their daily challenges. We are so proud to have Jake and Liam fundraising and raising awareness about Variety and our efforts to fill gaps for children experiencing disadvantage, disability and illness. We are so thankful to Jake, Liam and their support crew for helping to make a difference”.

To keep track of Jake and Liam’s ongoing efforts, you can visit their fundraising page and see all the action from the weekend on Instagram at @theathleticdad__ 

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