Rachael's story

For Rachael there is no easy path, the visits to doctors, hospitals, specialist and taking dozens of medication is ongoing.

Rachael Ralston has a condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, a connective tissue disorder that results in hypermobility in all of her joints, having a systematic effect on her body. There is no cure for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, you can only manage the symptoms as they arise, but it does shorten your life.

Thanks to Variety their lives changed


By the age of eight, Rachael was unable to walk properly and was in constant pain. Judy and Rachael both weren’t sleeping and knew they had to do something about it. Their GP referred them to a Rheumatologist where he diagnosed Rachael’s condition within minutes.

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome does not only affect Rachael physically but also emotionally and financially. Rachael will never be able to hold down a job, go to university, drive a car, marry, have children or live a long life.

Rachael believes she was given Ehlers Danlos Syndrome for a reason, she enjoys speaking at school and corporate events to bring awareness of her condition, in hope that one day there will be a cure.

Judy was struggling financially, but thanks to Variety their lives changed. Since 2014 Variety WA has granted Rachael home modifications, an electric wheelchair and most recently a wheelchair modified vehicle.

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