Zachary's Story

Zachary is an energetic nine year old boy who loves Minecraft, Star Wars and the company of his family. Zachary’s family have been on emotional and long journey since he was diagnosed with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Lives with Autism and ADHD

When Zac reached school age, he was finding it really hard to focus and didn’t understand the behaviour that was expected on him.

zachary02“With Zachary struggling to write legibly he was suffering at school, he couldn’t show that he could do the work assigned by the teacher, it took him quite some time to write his name, let alone sentences, which made it very difficult for him to keep up with spelling tests or mental maths activities.

Thanks to the iPad from Variety, Zachary received amazing results in his reports last year – his teacher could finally see that he knew the answers and she could finally see his work. Zachary is very grateful and loves to have time out with his iPad giving his teacher and class, time without a stressed Zach. A huge thank you to Variety and everyone who has supported it, you have all helped give such positive changes in our lives…”

Sherrii Richardson (mum)

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