2022 Variety B to B Bash – Day 10

August 16, 2022 by Bash Office

Today was the final official day of the Variety Brydens Lawyers B to B Bash and we were hosted for a wonderful breakfast by Dundula State School, Baker’s Creek. The area is known as an excellent fishing spot but is also home to some crocs so anglers are advised to be on the lookout! We had some free time to explore the area this afternoon before heading back to Mackay for a night of fun and to celebrate 10 days of seeing our beautiful country and remembering what it’s really all about – doing it for the kids. We were hosted by the Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre and danced the night away to Jade Holland and her band! The fun continues tomorrow on the B to B Mini Bash…

Thank you to Variety B to B Bash Naming Rights Sponsor

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