Amalia's Story

She likes to wear what she calls her ‘nice wig’ for parties, school and occasions where she doesn’t know a lot of people.

Amalia is a funny and bubbly 8 year old girl who loves Minecraft, coding and roller skating.

Like other kids her age, she’s also navigating the challenges of growing up.

Mum Carolina encourages Amalia to try new things all the time – to be OK with new experiences which can be uncomfortable at first and to build resilience.

And Amalia is indeed getting more and more confident in new situations.

Having lost all her hair at age 5, it can be a little more difficult to find confidence in situations that are new.

So, Amalia’s Variety wig plays an important role.

Looking for assistance?

Variety believes all kids deserve a fair go. We help kids 0 – 18 years of age who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with a disability.