Marina Prior Champions Variety Fair Go 4 Kids Day

October 11, 2017 by Variety - the Children's Charity

Marina Prior Champions Variety Fair Go 4 Kids Day

Australian entertainment industry icon and star of MTC’s Hay Fever Marina Prior is making sure all kids get a fair go in life as she champions Variety Fair Go 4 Kids Day – a unique fundraiser on 24 October where all donations are quadrupled by generous benefactors.

The all-or-nothing campaign sees the entertainment charity aiming to raise over $100,000 in just 24 hours thanks to the help of Marina and the Variety community.

“I’m so excited to be the ambassador for Fair Go 4 Kids Day, supporting Variety – the Children’s Charity. ALL kids deserve a fair go in life,” said Marina, “Please join me in supporting this fantastic campaign on 24 October.”

Variety CEO Janette Connolly said, “We are so excited to launch this exciting new campaign. We believe all kids deserve a fair go in life and, thanks to Marina, on October 24 we can help four times more kids in need”.

“With our generous benefactors not only matching gifts but QUADRUPLING them, every $1 donated becomes $4. Imagine… your $25 gift becomes $100, your $250 gift becomes an incredible $1000! The impact will be amazing, but as an all-or nothing campaign, we’re relying on the support of our community,” she said.

This year alone, Victorians have helped Variety to directly impact 10,000 children and the demand is growing each year. Variety Fair Go 4 Kids Day will ensure the charity will have four times the impact and can continue to fund and expand their kids support programs.

Variety’s work allows children to gain mobility and freedom, to get out and about in the community, to communicate, achieve independence and increase self-esteem, and where possible, assistance to help them integrate into mainstream school and activities.

Started by entertainers in Pittsburgh in 1928 and brought to Australia by Paul Hogan in 1975 the charity is a favourite among Australian entertainers.

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