Fundraising Ideas

Get inspired by these great fundraising ideas.

Dollar Matching

Have a gold coin collection for kids in need at work, and then ask your employer to match what you raise. It’s for a great cause!

Ready to declutter?

You could hold a garage sale or sell your excess stuff at a car-boot sale, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure!

Celebrating soon?

How about asking friends and family to support kids in need in lieu of gifts… who really needs another set of birthday bath towels or anniversary steak knives?

Looking for an excuse to glam-up?

Looking for an excuse to glam-up? Host a special dinner party or a picnic at the races to raise funds for kids in need.

Are you an aspiring actor or singer?

Are you an aspiring actor or singer? You could hold a talent contest or karaoke night for friends and family.

Ready to Bake Off!

If baking is your thing, why not sell cupcakes at school or have a bake-off in your workplace. Or go all out with a posh high tea?

Let’s get active!

If you’re the active type, you could join in a fitness challenge, do a sponsored walk, run or swim.

Need more information?

Please find buttons below to assist you in registering your event, resources including social media templates, poster creative, our fundraising guide and starting your fundraising page.

If you have any further questions check out our FAQs or contact us on 02 9810 1000 or email [email protected]