Message from the new Variety SA Chairman Brenton Ramsey

January 28, 2020 by Variety South Australia

Variety SA Chairman's Message

Hello to all within the Variety family.

In the first instance I would sincerely thank our outgoing Chair, Rob Kerin, for his leadership and stewardship of our organisation over the past 2 years. Many exciting and positive initiatives have been implemented under Rob’s watch and I am grateful he remains on our Board moving forward.

Many of you know how passionate and committed I am to serving children and families in our State who desperately and deservedly need our support and with your continued loyalty we will expand this impact together.

Given the ongoing Bush fire disaster in our state the charity landscape will be a very challenging one. We have people on the ground this week so we can formulating a policy of assistance.

However, it goes without saying that Variety SA remain fiercely committed to continuing the work we have always done in helping all sick, disadvantaged and special needs kids in all our communities.  To that end I sincerely thank all members of the Variety family, particularly our volunteers, for the positive difference you make to these kids lives daily.

We aim to expand our reach and impact on families and I urge you, as a critical link in the Variety grant referral network to encourage families known to you to seek our support via the grant application process on our website or contact the office for assistance. The need for our support is on going right across the state so let’s fly the Variety flag wherever possible.

We have a lot to do this year and I look forward to sharing this with you all progressively throughout the year.

We are a resilient mob and we have lots to look forward to together in 2020 and I am genuinely excited to lead such a wonderful organisation filled with amazing people.

In conclusion, I am always up for a chat so please don’t hesitate to call me anytime.

Thanks again, kind regards
Brenton Ramsey

Brenton Ramsey

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