January ‘V’ News

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January 31, 2018 by Variety South Australia

Variety SA Featured Grant - Isabelle and Charlotte

Sisters Isabelle (9) and Charlotte (7) have autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, leaving them to live with various complications. They will require kidney transplants and most likely partial liver transplants.

The girls experience excessive fatigue and physical activity and recreation is limited. In 2017 Isabelle began hydrotherapy with impressive results. The family received support from Variety for the purchase and installation of a swim spa for daily hydrotherapy and post-surgery therapy for the girls and to enable the whole family, including sisters Amber (16) and Ashleigh (9) to spend some recreational time together.

Click here for more information on ways you can donate to help kids like Isabelle and Charlotte, or to apply for a Variety SA grant.

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